Sunday, June 14, 2009

Beginnings of a lesson - (ID #3 Week 2)

Instructional Design, Part 2

(3) Process for starting the design phase for a specific lesson I can use in my own curriculum. Description of my potential audience (general characteristics, prior knowledge, demographics, and motivations) List any societal factors that may affect your lesson.

Determine audience: Sheltered 7th grade ELL students; speak very little English and are required to spend four hours a day reading, writing, speaking and listening in English. Integrate literature, mathematics and social studies.

Demographics: Small, rural K-8 school; each student has his/her own tablet laptop computer with Internet access.

Motivation: Students are highly motivated to learn English – their parents are supportive and the administration is innovative.

Objectives may include, but are not limited to:

1.0 TSW locate selected sites on a map of the United States
2.0 TSW predict which net will fold into which geometric solid
3.0 TSW predict which geometric solid will have the largest capacity
4.0 TSW estimate the amount of substance that each geometric solid will hold
5.0 TSW express orally own thinking and ideas
6.0 TSW identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her communications
7.0 TSW listen actively to the ideas of others to acquire new knowledge
8.0 TSW use new vocabulary words from the selected text

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